Friday, February 26, 2010

SNOW - AGAIN! What happens on a snowy morning at NPTV?

A good friend of NPTV, took notice to our dwindling blog posts, so this ones for you Brett!

Of course everyone knows that the fastest way to find out about school delays and closings is NPTV.  How do I know this, because we post on NPTV first!  Actually, many people wonder about the process we go through on a snowy morning.  ((quick promotion)) ---Find out more by watching this month's edition of North Penn's Finest. 

Typically, Dave Kelly - Coordinator of Custodial Maintenance and John Strobel - Manager of Support Services- from our Facilities department track the weather overnight and drive the roads as early as 3 or 4 in the morning to assess the conditions.

Dave and John make a recommendation to our Superintendent, Dr. Curt Dietrich then joins a conference call with Superintendents of the sending schools to North Montco Tecnical Career Center to discuss what each district is planning.  A closure of one sending school has a a big impact on the classes for NMTCC.  Dr. Dietrich makes the call based upon the recommendations of our facilities and transportation department.  The very next phone call is to NPTV.  And literally within seconds of John Strobel saying - "Schools are closed"  The information is immediately on NPTV.  IN the spirit of the Winter Olympic games, we pride on ourselves on seeing how fast the notification goes up on the channel. This past storm on 2/26/10, we posted the information as John finished his sentence. .003 seconds! 

Of course we use all means of communications to notify our community of delays, closures or dismissals.  After NPTV, you can find the info at, Inform-a-Phone (215) 368-7662) as well as all of the local broadcast outlets.  I mean all.  If you would like text notifications, there are two options we utilize.  You can sign-up for alerts at Montgomery County Alert System.  Make sure you select North Penn School District as a notification.  You can also follow us on Twitter/ NPSD.

In cases of unscheduled early dismissals, we will also utilize our School Messenger system to notify parents when we will be dismissing.  In that case we will call all the phone numbers and e-mail addresses that parents have provided on their emergency notification cards.  We do not use School Messenger for standard 2 hour delays or closures due to weather.  For more info on our emergency communication visit the NPSD website.

If you are interested in more blizzard coverage take a look at our facilities department in action here for the video and here for the photos.  Please feel free to comment.  We look forward to hearing from you.  Stay Warm!

1 comment:

  1. As a long time follower of NPTV and Snow Days, it makes me feel proud to be a member of this community. Thanks for doing what you do!
